The Lord has been laying some specific prayer items on our heart for the Church the Body of Christ and we believe all the Intercessors need to begin to cry out to the Lord regarding these issues. Please take time to pray fervently in your Prayer Cells and in your Prayer closets regarding them, that the Lord will empower us to give birth to His purposes on earth.

  • Abortion - We believe that there is a co-relation between the aborting of babies in the natural and the aborting of spiritual initiatives, ministries, movements and divine assignments.  It is as though many Believers are unable to carry the vision of God through to birth, and that too many of these works/callings are 'aborted' before they reach full term where they are viable. Pray against the spirit of miscarriage and abortion. Come against every demonic assignment to stop, hinder, stall and destroy the spiritual initiatives, ministries, movements and divine assignments that the Lord has for His people. Pray that the schemes of this spirit will fail and prophesy life and strength into the lives of God's people to be able to give birth to God's purposes in the land and in His Church. You may stand on Isaiah 66:7-9 and Exodus 23:26 to contend in prayers. 
  • Prodigals - Let us pray for the restoration of prodigals back to the Lord. Pray that the Resurrection Power of the Lord Jesus Christ will raise them up back to life in Christ Jesus. You may stand on Hosea 14:4-9 and Luke 15:11-24 to contend in prayers.  
  • Drifting - We the Church the Body of Christ have drifted from the standards of holiness and righteousness as commanded by God's Word, and have become a law unto ourselves. Pray that the Lord will restore His Church back to the truths and plumbline of His Word and help us to lay the proper foundations of righteousness. You may stand on Jeremiah 6:16-17 and Isaiah 58:12 to contend in prayers.  
  • REVIVAL - The Lord has been speaking specifically about REVIVAL among the youths, young adults and Millennials and we believe this move of God is right around the corner. Let us continue to pray for a MIGHTY outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our youths, young adults and Millennials that will bring in a great harvest of souls into God's Kingdom. You may stand on Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:15-21 and Isaiah 2:2-3 to contend in prayers. Pls read the following article on WHY "59 Percent of Millennials Raised in a Church Have Dropped Out—And They’re Trying to Tell Us Why" and pray accordingly.

Pray that God's Kingdom Come in Canada

Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

. Let us pray that God’s Kingdom Come in Canada

. Declare God’s purposes for our nation – Psalm 33:12

. Declare righteousness, godly order and justice in our nation – Proverb 14:34

. Proclaim the rule of God’s scepter of righteousness in our nation – Psalm 45:6-7

. Release the blessings and benefits of God’s kingdom into our nation – Psalm 33:12


Pray for Our Government

1 Timothy 2:1-2 I admonish and urge you that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of ALLMEN. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Let us pray for Good Government, because we want to lead a quiet and peaceful life. Good Government is God’s will so the Gospel will be preached unhindered. Bad Government hinders the propagation of the Gospel.

. Pray for all government leaders - Proverbs 21:1

. Pray with respect for their authority, guidance and direction – Isaiah 30:21

. Pray that God’s peace would cover our nation – Isaiah 9:6-7

. Pray for godliness to govern our nation - Proverbs 29:2

. Pray for a revelation of the truth of Jesus to grow in the hearts and minds of our leaders.


Pray for Bill C-51

Isaiah 10:1 Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

Bill C-51 Aims to “clean up” the Criminal Code by removing legislation that is viewed as obsolete or redundant.  Included in the proposed clean up is removal of Section 176 which essentially removes the only provision in the Criminal Code that directly protects the individuals to freely practice their religion.

Let us pray that this Bill C-51 be struck down and that the provision in the Criminal Code that directly protects the individuals to freely practice their religion will NOT be removed in Jesus mighty name, amen.


Pray for Bill C-45

Psalm 24:7-10 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.

Bill C-45 Was introduced in the Spring, passed the second reading and is currently in committee stage being studied by the standing committee on health.  This will legalize marijuana to individuals 18 and older despite the fact that many experts have recommended a minimum age of consumption of age 25.

Let us pray that this Bill C-45 be struck down and that the recommended minimum age of consumption of age 25 be APPROVED in Jesus mighty name, amen.


The Dominion Declaration on Canada’s 150th

We, a national representation of the believers of Jesus Christ in Canada, come before the Throne of heaven today on this 150th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation to declare the Supremacy of Christ and His purposes over our Canada.

We acknowledge on the basis of Ephesians 1:19-21 that Christ is seated in heavenly places at the highest position of spiritual government over all creation. Today we as His Body take that position with Him in heavenly places over Canada to issue this declaration.

We Declare His Dominion
We declare and decree our commitment to God’s original intent for Canada: that His dominion is from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8). We affirm and declare this Holy covenant over our nation today.

We Declare Unity Under One Head: Jesus Christ

We declare and decree that Christ is the head over all created things.
As a national representation, we repent for the many ways in which we have not honoured His headship over the last 150 years and therefore treated one another in dishonouring and unrighteous ways. We also repent for how we have not stewarded our nation with Biblical protocol and therefore hurt present and future generations.

Today, we declare that we will stand shoulder to shoulder as one people: First Nations, Metis, Inuit, French speaking, English speaking and all those who have immigrated from the nations under the headship of Christ, in a strong commitment to nation building in Canada for God’s glory.

Today, with ONE VOICE, we declare God’s headship over our nation.
We now call all things in Canada to come into alignment with this heavenly reality in Jesus’ name.


Prophecy: A Glory Revolution is Coming to Canada - Jennifer LeClaire

When I was in Saskatoon, Canada, with apostle Barbara Yoder and apostle Ryan LeStrange this past weekend, I heard the Lord say "glory revolution."

As I pressed in to hear more from the Lord, I heard these words from the Spirit:

"I am bringing a glory revolution to Canada that will sweep through all its provinces. In past generations and in past seasons, I have moved through your cities to bring healing and revival winds that impacted the nations. I will once again rise up in your midst to magnify you among the nations as you stand on My promises. Look to your roots. Look to your history. There is a rich heritage in your land. Tap into the root of revival and decree the awakening that is here and coming.

"The enemy has left many churches for dead, but I am resurrecting them with a new wineskin for a new season with a new measure of anointing that will see those captive to religion break free and see Me for who I really am. When the remnant rises—when the blinders are removed—My glory revolution will begin to spill over in unusual ways and unusual places. Churches that have not embraced moves of My Spirit in the past will accept Me with open arms and walls will break down.

"I am inviting you to be part of a glory revolution. What say you?"

We saw a shift in Saskatoon after a weekend of ministry in which the glory manifested in several levels. Indeed, the first fruits of a glory revolution emerged in this gathering, which included many First Nations people and hungry believers who understand the power of honor.

I'm standing with Canada and believing for a glory revolution that spills over into the nations of the earth.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Blaze prayer movement. She is author of over 25 books. Find her online or email her at